Are YOU Ready to let Minute Mindful Moments Magically Move Mountains?

In our very busy work and family worlds of doing often, we focus on the achievement of the goals and forget about the how and why of what we are doing. In the process, we fail to see that at times our intense frenetic actions are creating negative energy. I can think of multiple times while raising our family, or as a teacher, that I would become spicy with my words or over-demanding. The focus was on my ego and desire to meet my agenda. I wasn’t always connecting through listening or engaging in conversation but on the accomplishing. As a result, the rest of the family or the classroom reacted with tension and discomfort. As a leader in our family, or as a teacher, I lost sight of how my tense and unyielding behaviour was negatively affecting everyone else, moreover, I forgot about the individual needs of my family members or the students.

The Great Leadership Reset Forum featured Robin Anselmi. Anselmi is an engineer, businesswoman, and mother who is passionate about her family and love of design. Interestingly, most of us would think that her love of design involves hands-on manipulation of art, but she enlightens us to the belief that design can be how anything is created, structured, and functions. She loves the design of organizations and studying how people interact. Her company coaches organizations and businesses on how to optimally operate with purpose and joy. In minutes of watching her video talk, I was struck by her clarity and humility.

Robin Anselmi’s talk reminded me that as a leader one must remember how great one’s influence is on facilitating and emulating positive thoughts and actions. In addition, she emphasizes the need for leaders to connect. This is done naturally and simply by honouring one’s own personal style (not adhering to a leadership how-to model) during daily conversations. We don’t need to schedule a meeting to talk and share but it is done continuously throughout the day. It’s recognizing the importance of the small connections, which often we dismiss as inconsequential. I thought to myself, “Hmm how often the best conversations at home and the best learning happen when I wasn’t on an agenda but open to truly sharing and learning.”

Anselmi’s talk challenges businesses and individuals further to think of the greater good purpose to all that we do then collaborate. Businesses and individuals need to not just be consumed with profit but how we are contributing to the health and wellbeing of the world. Moreover, we need to honour and celebrate those in our lives, as demonstrated by the role modeling at Conversant with their mission commitment and featured sharing of team members’ brilliance.

Listening to Robin Anselmi, I am reminded that as a leader in my own simple world that my energy affects those around me. My simple conversations and natural connections although might seem inconsequential, are important contributions to building a committed relationship to shared learning experiences. Last, I am challenged to think and act with a common good purpose. Thank you, Robin Anselmi, yes, minute mindful moments magically move mountains!