The Gift of the Cross Two perpendicular lines…

Yin and Yang…How so?

This very special Easter Sunday, I leave you with a poem I wrote 12 years ago. I think it is appropriate given our global rebirth … 7.8 billion perspective shifts.

Yes, I decided to place the title at the end, not to influence the reader…enjoy…

Life waiting silent still

Rumblings at the epicenter

Gradually are cultivated

An avalanche of anticipation

Building to a crescendo

At the core, a fusing soul

Rising resolve

Spawning proliferation

Like cold water skimming hot oil

A crackling dance

Seemingly out of control

Yet full intent, as the Creator’s grace filled hand

Lovingly perfectly sculpts each


Implanting a rhythmically pulsing heart

Adorned with a gift

Some say golden

Some say shiny

Some say heavy

Two perpendicular lines

Ironically the burdening lines offer stability, centering and ultimately freedom

The length drags behind holding yin

The cross bar embraces and wraps around holding on with love; yang

Mystically empowered these mighty points pivot on choice… shifting forward

Creating impetus

Resistance slows…. simmering…. strain… stress…yet…

Surrender to the momentum, the energy and playful exuberance births synergy

Trains and strengthens the spirit like a marathon runner

Whirling endorphins slowly shift

The finish line seems like an eternity

Truth is it arrives in a flash

Perception – reality?!

Blackness is over shadowed by the white iridescent glow of joy

Conquering challenges

The cross is no longer a burden

Miraculously found purpose, confidence, competence
En-joy-ment coupled with enthusiasm become happiness

Did we ever doubt Our Father would grace us with the gift of joy filled love?

Did we refuse to open and explore our holy treasure?

Or leave it wrapped pretty, heavy and tight?

The Gift of the Cross © Mary Catherine Rolston 2008

The Gift of the Cross Two perpendicular lines…

Yin and Yang…How so?

This very special Easter Sunday, I leave you with a poem I wrote 12 years ago. I think it is appropriate given our global rebirth … 7.8 billion perspective shifts.

Yes, I decided to place the title at the end, not to influence the reader…enjoy…

Life waiting silent still

Rumblings at the epicenter

Gradually are cultivated

An avalanche of anticipation

Building to a crescendo

At the core, a fusing soul

Rising resolve

Spawning proliferation

Like cold water skimming hot oil

A crackling dance

Seemingly out of control

Yet full intent, as the Creator’s grace filled hand

Lovingly perfectly sculpts each


Implanting a rhythmically pulsing heart

Adorned with a gift

Some say golden

Some say shiny

Some say heavy

Two perpendicular lines

Ironically the burdening lines offer stability, centering and ultimately freedom

The length drags behind holding yin

The cross bar embraces and wraps around holding on with love; yang

Mystically empowered these mighty points pivot on choice… shifting forward

Creating impetus

Resistance slows…. simmering…. strain… stress…yet…

Surrender to the momentum, the energy and playful exuberance births synergy

Trains and strengthens the spirit like a marathon runner

Whirling endorphins slowly shift

The finish line seems like an eternity

Truth is it arrives in a flash

Perception – reality?!

Blackness is over shadowed by the white iridescent glow of joy

Conquering challenges

The cross is no longer a burden

Miraculously found purpose, confidence, competence
En-joy-ment coupled with enthusiasm become happiness

Did we ever doubt Our Father would grace us with the gift of joy filled love?

Did we refuse to open and explore our holy treasure?

Or leave it wrapped pretty, heavy and tight?

The Gift of the Cross © Mary Catherine Rolston 2008