The Value of Pet Ownership

Especially for Seniors

In a previous blog ( I shared how Mark and I have been blessed with an adorable grand pup, Torsha. We chuckle as we love engaging seeing her on our facetime calls with our son Matthew and always look forward to our visits.

Since this post, Jennifer Hancock from reached out and shared this link If you are contemplating the idea, this is a great article that just might sway you to take on a pet. I really liked that the author took a very balanced pro/co approach and didn’t promote one type of animal. After reading about the benefits and watching the video, I have to say it was an affirmation to what Mark and I have been discussing.

WHAT you say, a dog is on the horizon? Our enjoyment with Torsha has prompted us to seriously investigate obtaining a Boston Terrier, (or maybe a Frenchton?). We believe that we are now ready to commit to having a dog. Our future traveling days will be limited once CoVid restrictions relax. As a result, we have been researching by chatting with dog owners when we take our daily walks. We happen to meet a lovely lady Angie with her Frenchie pup, Saint. She referred us to her breeder and as such we have been chatting with the breeder in Northern BC. Fingers crossed that we might be blessed with an additional to our home sooner than later.

Isn’t it amazing how researching one topic can bring insights and inspiration on a new topic. Digging deeper into the Sixty and Me site, I was so impressed! This is a fantastic community directed to women over 60. It has great articles on topics from fashion to relationships, even games. I highly recommend you explore the site. It is a great resource. For instance take a look at this article in time for Christmas:

Quick Take Away Link:

Sixty and Me

This Week’s Video Links:

Pandemic, Positive, and Purposeful

The Value of Pet Ownership

Especially for Seniors

In a previous blog ( I shared how Mark and I have been blessed with an adorable grand pup, Torsha. We chuckle as we love engaging seeing her on our facetime calls with our son Matthew and always look forward to our visits.

Since this post, Jennifer Hancock from reached out and shared this link If you are contemplating the idea, this is a great article that just might sway you to take on a pet. I really liked that the author took a very balanced pro/con approach and didn’t promote one type of animal. After reading about the benefits and watching the video, I have to say it was an affirmation to what Mark and I have been discussing.

WHAT you say, a dog is on the horizon? Our enjoyment with Torsha has prompted us to seriously investigate obtaining a Boston Terrier, (or maybe a Frenchton?). We believe that we are now ready to commit to having a dog. Our future traveling days will be limited once CoVid restrictions relax. As a result, we have been researching by chatting with dog owners when we take our daily walks. We happen to meet a lovely lady Angie with her Frenchie pup, Saint. She referred us to her breeder and as such we have been chatting with the breeder in Northern BC. Fingers crossed that we might be blessed with an additional to our home sooner than later.

Isn’t it amazing how researching one topic can bring insights and inspiration on a new topic. Digging deeper into the Sixty and Me site, I was so impressed! This is a fantastic community directed to women over 60. It has great articles on topics from fashion to relationships, even games. I highly recommend you explore the site. It is a great resource. For instance take a look at this article in time for Christmas:

Quick Take Away Link:

Sixty and Me

This Week’s Video Links:

Pandemic, Positive, and Purposeful